Program Information
El Concilio
Mon-Sat, 7AM – 5:30PM
ERAP Office
Waterfront Warehouse
445 W. Weber Ave. Suite 242
Stockton, CA 95203
(2nd Floor)
City of Stockton
Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
for landlords of residential properties
The City of Stockton’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program, launched on March 15, 2021, is intended to provide housing stability for families and individuals facing economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The application period for this program ended December 15, 2021.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program Update
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program has currently exhausted all funding for the program. The City of Stockton has requested additional funding from the U.S. Treasury. We are optimistic that more funding will be awarded to our program. Should the funding become available we will continue to process applications. Please see below the additional resources available to our community.
- Central Valley Low-income Housing: at 209-472-7200. http://www.cvlihc.org/
- Assists with homeless prevention, security deposits, & rental vouchers for qualified families
- LIHEAP: 209-468-1500 or email energy@ncat.org www.sjchsa.org
- PGE Utility assistance
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Stockton : 209-469-1120
- Can assist households up to $500 with utilities and past due rent
- 211 San Joaquin Family Resources & Referral Center https://211sj.org/
- Salvation Army: 209-948-8955 https://stockton.salvationarmy.org/stockton/overcome-poverty/
- Assists up to $300- for PGE
- Cal Water Hardship Program: https://www.dollarenergy.org/need-help/california/cal-water-hardship-program/